Wednesday, November 12, 2008

nothing left

i know this may have taken some time, but my dad came home that night and didn't come out of his office. right now i am in class, we are supposed to be doing some spreadsheet project but that stuff doesn't matter any more.

i don't want to let out my name, you can call me FI or by my user name, if you really know who i am then it may be trouble for you, or if i really know you.

as i said in the first one there are monsters out there. but lately as i have been studying, there are monsters in us too. all dormit and waiting for their moment to strike, it shows our dark side. it shows what we really want to hide.

my best friend, his monster came out the other night. i should have mentioned him first but the shock.....oh, god he's watching me from across the room. i think he somehow knows i am writing about him. he hurt somebody very close to both of us, i walked in on them as he pounced. both their eyes gleamed with animal insanity. i screamed, and both of them looked at me....the animal faded from their eyes as they saw me.

he reached out for me and i just had to run. the next day at lunch he tried to talk to me, he tried to explain, but i was a coward and i refused to listen. i never wanted to be weak, i need to be strong.

another person died this week, i knew that person held a key. he's still watching me, but he bowed his head then looked back at me with pain in his eyes. before he whispered something to me.

'i know you have a key.'


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